Welcome to My New Website.

There are over 140 posts here about what sick people taught me. Please feel free to comment on posts if anything is not clear OR if you have ideas that have worked.

Herbs and Hands

The way we get well.


Muscle Response Testing is one of those features of the intelligent body that allows an intelligent course of remedies to be determined

Wreckage from Stress

Sometimes we can feel our own tissue crumble from stress, and sometimes we can see it.

Kitchen Medicine

Many helpful remedies can be found in our well-stocked kitchen.

Introduction to ‘Something Natural’

 Most people wind up here because …

  1. They have had several very worrisome symptoms (maybe similar to those of their parents) and wondered if something natural could help…or….
  2. They received scary test results or diagnoses from the doc, and wondered if something natural could help…or…
  3. They got drugs from the doc that made them feel worse (doc said it wasn’t the drugs —not to worry— they had many drugs options for their new symptoms.)  So folks wondered if something natural would help (Below is a transcribed typical message left on my answering machine) …or…
  4. Someone said, “Go see Pat, she’ll give you something natural that will help”

Something Natural

Mixing Ground Herbs

Finding ‘something natural that will help’ is an age old quest (that predates the FDA and AMA).  In the 1700’s it was called ‘nature cure’ and about 100 years ago, the study and application of something natural was called naturopathy.  Up until recently all naturopaths were non-medical, that is, no surgery, no drugs, no harmful therapies.  

One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedents of chemical therapy over nutrition.  It is a substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poison over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation. (1951)

My Basic Principles page explains why something natural works

The two main agents of naturopathy are

1. Botanicals (things provided by nature, as opposed to chemicals from a laboratory)

2. Human hands which benefit the tissue state OR energy state (as opposed to topical burns, scalpels and radiation)

To find something natural try the search window or navigation bar.  I have written these documents with my own personal bias fueled by my observations helping

Dried Herbs Mixture

people find something natural that will help.  If you want to work with me check out the Client Information link.  I do both nutritional counseling and emotional healing work and all you need to know is on that link.

A good place for busy people to begin is with LifeStyle Compensations.

Disease is not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of the patient’s body, a battle between the substance of disease and the natural self-healing tendency of the body.   Hippocrates

Here is a transcribed message left on my answering machine which I’ve put here to help you understand that you are not the only one.

This is _____ ….
I’m taking all this anti-biotics and all this cortisone and all this stuff.  These doctors are making me sick.
I’m over it.
My sister and [list of acquaintances] are healthy with herbs.   And I’m on all this chemical yucky stuff.
And I want to make an appointment after I get off all this for health  The natural way.
That’s why my voice is all messed up – is probably a side effect.
I am serious.  I work for ____ [nearby]
I am so over prescriptions.
I’m sick of side effects.
I’m sick of not having any energy.
I feel bloated, can’t swallow!!!
My sister …[and list of others] ..been doing the herbal way.  My sister said I need to find someone like you too.  They’re so healthy and they are old like me.  I’m 60.

[60?]  😉

**Medical naturopaths are the new kids on the block.  They keep seeking state licensure which will exclude anyone else from being called a naturopath or from practicing something natural.
The state should only license practices that are dangerous.  Naturopathy is not dangerous.
If people want to be licensed to do dangerous things they should go to medical school and get a medical license.
Please oppose efforts to license naturopaths to keep the practice of something natural in the public domain.

Consider this…..

I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.

Health Parameters Research

** Important Warning **

Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)

In case you were wondering..

B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.

** Join the Discussion **

This website is a work in progress and a sharing tool. Feel free to use the comment forms to share your tried and true 'something natural'.