Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

By PatBlockND | November 17, 2011 |

Emotional stress is an undeniable contributor to our symptoms or diseases. Stress disorganizes our body’s ability to heal itself. Whereas herbs can help rebuild damaged tissue or stimulate the return to better function, if the underlying emotional stress is not…

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Consider this…..

I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.

Health Parameters Research

** Important Warning **

Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)

In case you were wondering..

B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.

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