Living Cultures – Basic Sauerkraut

Why make your own kraut?  Because commercially available kraut has been pasteurized which kills the beneficial bacteria that make real kraut SO therapeutic.  Pasteurization has to be done to extend the shelf life as the beneficial microbes will continue to transform the food if they are not stopped through pasteurization.  Fermented foods are teeming with beneficial bacteria that provide us with many beneficial products and services which are written about elsewhere on this site.  This basic sauerkraut recipe is incredibly therapeutic for all digestive derangements and is very simple to make – the major ingredient being time.  It is similar to the cabbage juice recipe with a few twists.


2 heads of non-irradiated cabbage.  (See notes below)

Plan B: If you are not sure whether your cabbage has been tampered with electromagnetically you can simply add a little kefir or kefir-whey.

A crock or glass (non-metallic) container that can hold 2 shredded heads of cabbage.  I’m estimating about a gallon crock.  You can halve the recipe if you only have something smaller.

Salt.  The amounts of salt can vary according to desired taste and texture.  Salt can retard certain kinds of microbes which is presumably why it was traditionally used.  However sauerkraut can be made without it too.  Salt also keeps the sauerkraut a little crunchy.  The amount I recommend here produces a kraut which is not too salty and, over the recommended time, not too soggy either.

A 1 to 1&1/2 inch sawed-off dowel is handy for mashing down the shredded cabbage.  Other kitchen non-metallic tools can be used for this.  I’ve used a wooden spoon.  You’ll need something to mash the cabbage down into the crock.

A glass saucer or ceramic plate that fits down inside the crock that will hold the shredded cabbage under the brine.

Canning jars or other glass containers to store your kraut when it is done.  I use mason jars and pickle jars from the store or whatever is available.  We will not put the kraut through the canning process; we are just using the jars as they are convenient and readily available.


  1. Anne Dail on February 6, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    Dear Pat, Just what I need . Go to the store tomorrow to find the right kind of cabbage. Keep up the good work. We I love you and Thank God for you. Anne Dail PS tomorrow night at 7pm meeting. I will call on the Phone Thanks again.

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